
The food industries affect the global economy, as they depend on converting agricultural products into products of a long-lasting nature, which have the ability to last for a longer period of time, with the use of diverse and advanced methods and methods for preservation and storage, preserving their nutritional value, and providing them throughout the year

Telal is one of the companies that support the food industries, so it is interested in providing raw materials from natural agricultural products in large quantities and of high quality, and providing all sizes that suit customers and their needs, and in a way that is compatible with the markets and their development, and paying attention to the latest methods of preserving and storing food materials. And updating the types of health practices to maintain product safety. Telal provides wide services in the field of food transportation operations, to ensure and facilitate the arrival of the product to customers, in the best condition and under the company’s supervision and control. It also provides delivery to all parts of the Arab Republic of Egypt


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